Install Meta AI Audiocraft
Install Meta AI Audiocraft

We are going to look How to Install Meta AI Audiocraft?, but lets talk about Meta AI. Meta AI (formerly known as Facebook AI) has developed an open-source text-to-speech (TTS) model called “Audiocraft.” Audiocraft is a deep learning-based model that can generate high-quality human-like speech from text inputs. This guide will walk you through the process of installing Meta AI Audiocraft on your local machine

Prerequisites installing Audiocraft

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Install Meta AI Audiocraft

How to Install Meta AI Audiocraft?

Install Meta Ai AudiocraftInstall Meta Ai Audiocraft
Install Meta Ai Audiocraft

Step 1: Clone the Audiocraft Repository

First, clone the Audiocraft repository from Meta AI’s official GitHub page:

					git clone


Step 2: Create a Python Virtual Environment (Optional)

Creating a virtual environment is recommended to isolate the Audiocraft dependencies from your system’s Python environment. To create a virtual environment, run the following commands: bash

					python3 -m venv audiocraft_env
source audiocraft_env/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `audiocraft_env\Scripts\activate`


Step 3: Install Audiocraft Dependencies

Next, navigate to the cloned Audiocraft repository and install the required dependencies using pip: bash

					cd audiocraft
pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Install Audiocraft

After installing the dependencies, install the Audiocraft package using the following command: bash

					pip install .


Step 5: Verify the Installation

First, clone the Audiocraft repository from Meta AI’s official GitHub page: python

					python examples/ --text "Hello, Audiocraft!"


If the installation was successful, you should hear a generated audio file saying “Hello, Audiocraft!”Now you have successfully installed Meta AI Audiocraft on your local machine. You can start building text-to-speech applications using this powerful tool.For more information and detailed usage examples, refer to the official Audiocraft documentation:

List of Pre-trained Models

Audiocraft provides the following pre-trained TTS models:

  1. Tacotron 2: An end-to-end generative model that learns to map text inputs to spectrograms and then synthesize speech from the spectrograms.
  2. FastSpeech 2: A text-to-speech model that generates mel-spectrograms from text inputs, followed by a separate vocoder to synthesize speech from the mel-spectrograms.
  3. WaveRNN: A high-quality neural vocoder that converts mel-spectrograms into raw audio waveforms.

Usage Examples

To use the pre-trained models, you can load them using the class and then generate speech from text inputs. Here’s an example using FastSpeech 2:

					from audiocraft.TTSModel import TTSModel

# Load the pre-trained FastSpeech 2 model
model = TTSModel.from_pretrained("fastspeech2")

# Set the text input
text = "Hello, Audiocraft!"

# Generate the mel-spectrogram
mel_spectrogram = model.infer_mel_from_text(text)

# Use WaveRNN to convert the mel-spectrogram into raw audio
waveform = model.infer_waveform_from_mel(mel_spectrogram)


Congratulations, maestros of melody! With these effortlessly navigable steps, you’re on the brink of unlocking a symphony of creativity, immersing yourself in the boundless realm of musical wonders.

Embark on your enchanting musical odyssey with Meta AI Audiocraft, where every note is an invitation to orchestrate your dreams into reality. The world awaits the unveiling of your harmonious creations!

Should you find yourself entangled in the labyrinth of musical inspiration or wish to unveil your auditory masterpieces, don’t hesitate to grace us with your thoughts in the comments below. Here’s to crafting celestial tunes and happy music-making!


How do I choose the right TTS model for my application?

The choice of TTS model depends on your specific use case and requirements. Tacotron 2 is an end-to-end model that generates speech directly from text inputs, while FastSpeech 2 and WaveRNN require separate steps for generating mel-spectrograms and converting them into raw audio. FastSpeech 2 and WaveRNN generally offer faster inference times and higher-quality speech.

Can I train my custom TTS model using Audiocraft?

Yes, you can train custom TTS models using Audiocraft by fine-tuning the pre-trained models on your custom dataset. Refer to the official documentation for more information on fine-tuning:

How can I improve the quality of the generated speech?

Improving the quality of the generated speech depends on several factors, such as the quality of the training data, model architecture, and hyperparameters. You can experiment with different architectures, adjust the model's hyperparameters, or collect higher-quality training data to improve the generated speech.

Can I use Audiocraft on a GPU for faster inference?

Yes, Audiocraft supports GPU acceleration using CUDA. Ensure you have a compatible GPU and the required CUDA version installed on your system.For more information and detailed usage examples, refer to the official Audiocraft documentation:

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